Further Efforts to Reform First-Time Simple Possession of Marijuana Policy in Virginia.

Senate Majority Leader Thomas K. “Tommy” Norment Jr. (R-James City County) is expected to propose a bill this session that aims to further reform simple possession marijuana policy for first-time offenders. Current law provides for “deferred dispositions” for first-time offenders, which includes dismissal of the charge after the defendant complies with certain court-ordered conditions. Unfortunately, despite the dismissal, the record of the arrest can still be found on a criminal history database (i.e., the defendant’s record is not “clean” after the dismissal). Norment seeks to amend current law by allowing the record of the arrest for possession of marijuana to be removed from the national criminal database upon a defendant’s compliance with court-ordered conditions. Norment’s proposal, however, falls short of decriminalization and if fails to address concerns regarding enforcement of marijuana laws in the Commonwealth.

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