Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Premarital and Prenuptial Agreement Lawyers

No one expects his or her marriage to end in divorce. Unfortunately, statistics show that almost one in three first marriages end in divorce, and 50 percent of second or third marriages end in divorce. With divorce comes the distribution of marital assets, which often becomes a contentious matter because it is frequently an emotionally-charged time. For this reason, it is advisable to discuss these issues when considering marriage. If you are planning on getting married, a premarital or prenuptial agreement can help you protect your assets in the unplanned event of divorce.

A premarital agreement is a contract between two people who are going to marry one another. The agreement can define how assets will be distributed in the event of divorce or death. Premarital agreements can be designed to tailor individual needs, and can be used to protect income, real and personal property, business ventures and retirement accounts in the event of divorce.

If you and your prospective spouse are considering entering into a premarital agreement, contact the attorneys at Patel & Williams, PLLC. We will work with you to prepare an agreement to fit your needs.

Similarly, if you have been given a premarital agreement by your prospective spouse, it is equally important to have independent counsel review the agreement to make sure that you are protected in the event of divorce. contact our attorneys to discuss the terms of the premarital agreement and protecting your interests.

Premarital or prenuptial agreements are not reserved for the elite or wealthy. They are important legal documents that serve to protect an individual’s assets, no matter how extensive. If you prefer to retain control over the division of assets in the event of divorce rather than leave it in the hands of a court when going through a divorce, contact our attorneys today to discuss the preparation of a premarital agreement.